The Glory of Fathers


Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, 
and the glory of children is their fathers.

- Proverbs 17:6

Well-known Bible verses are often understood incorrectly because they're separated from the context of the other verses around them. Common examples are Matthew 7:1, Jeremiah 29:11, and Acts 2:44. Many remember the bullet-point version but can't tell you how those passages start or end. 

The first half of Proverbs 17:6 is something I've heard quoted many times, usually by grandparents in thankfulness to God for their grandchildren (or sarcastically when those same grandchildren do something to embarrass them!). I've found that the second half of the verse is far less familiar: "...and the glory of children is their fathers." 

That parents would be proud of their children is commonly accepted - but that children would be proud of their parents? Yet that's exactly what this verse would lead us to believe: a parent (father in this case) can live in such a way that their children rejoice in what they see.

We know that our kids are watching all the time. We are reminded of it when they imitate or repeat the things we wish they wouldn't! It should encourage us, however, to know that they're also watching the good stuff we do and "glorying" in the parent God has given them. They wouldn't express it that way, of course. They might not even know it yet. Nonetheless, Scripture here encourages us to see something below the surface and trust that God is using our faithful parenting for good results in our little ones.

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