Modeling Godly Conflict

One of the most important lessons our children will ever learn from us is the need for quick repentence and quick forgiveness. No matter how often, or what details, we teach about this, what sticks with them is more likely to come from our actions than from our words. 

In any relationship we will do things that cause offense and hurt, both sinful and not. Learning how to address hurt and offense without adding more hurt and offense on top is essential, especially for marriages. Scripture has a lot to say about how we talk to one another, how we are to view one anothers offenses and sins, and how we handle and escalate conflict between Christians caused by sin. 

We've put together the attached as a help for husbands and wives who want to model godliness in conflict for one another and their children. For many discussions, following the entire process won't be necessary because somewhere along the way both parties will see things similarly enough for there to be genuine apology and forgiveness. Still, we consider every part of this to be helpful for those times when we just aren't seeing eye to eye and have hurt or offense we need to address. Here it is, and we hope you find it helpful.