Verse 4 - Functional Blindness

It's good to think more deeply about the mercies of God in times of crisis. To help guide us in this effort, we'll consider Paul David Tripp's collection of meditations from Psalm 27 called "A Shelter in the Time of Storm." You can get your own copy on Amazon here.

...To gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to inquire in his temple.

Psalm 27:4

We think we see so clearly. We think we have it figured out. We think we have the right priorities. We think we honor God, at least most of the time. But so often, we don't.

I would like to think
that others are blind,
but I am not.
I would like to think
that I have
clarity of vision,
a penetrating insight
that lights my way.
I am good
at recognizing
the sight problems of others.
I am skilled
at pointing out
the gaps in their vision
and the blind spots
that alter how they
and the way they
I would like to
that I have 20/20 vision,
but the evidence points
to the sad fact that
I don't.
I have the stunning ability
to look around
and not see You.
I see my
busy schedule
tasks to complete
problems to solve
people to see
demands to be met
things to repair
pressures to face
temptations to fight
pleasures to consume
things to build
things to tear down
plans to make
difficulties to survive
huge responsibilities
and short days.
I gaze at my life
every day
and again and again I fail
to see You.
It is a scary
humbling to admit.
Though this world
is filled with
Your glory,
I exist
so much of the time
glory blind.
In Your love
You created a world
that is a sight and sound
of Your magnificent
No matter from what perspective
we're looking,
no matter what vista
we're taking in,
no matter
where we're standing
and which way
we're gazing,
Your glory is visible
and evident.
Yet, again and again
I fail to see
Your beauty.
So I seek Your
one more time.
Please place Your
powerful hands
on my broken eyes
and give me sight again.
Please place your
powerful hands
on my wayward heart
and make it seek again.
Don't let me be
so blinded
with me and mine,
that I fail to see
For it's only
when my eyes
see Your
and my heart
is filled with Your
that I'll quit
and life,
where it can't be found.
So I would pray
this simple prayer,
"Please touch me by
Your grace
so that there'll never
be a day
where I haven't
gazed upon
Your beauty."

Questions to Consider

The questions are Tripp's. I included my answers in case they're helpful to read.

1. What clouds your vision of the Lord?

- Things to do - busyness. I get so focused on checking things off the list and getting things done that I forget to consider how God may be asking me to slow down and learn more, consider more, be changed more.

2. List ten specific places where the glory and beauty of the Lord are a visible reminder of his love for you.

- The room I'm in right now, with the view that it has.
- The people in this room.
- More conceptually, that being in this place represents dozens of times that God has provided rest and relief through the kindness of friends.
- The things at home that needed tending remind me of the friends willing to tend to them.
- The laughter of children downstairs is a sign of their health and good cheer.
- The rain threatening outside is proof that God will nourish the world he's made.
- The fun we're having is a reminder that God made such for us and didn't make us merely utilitarian.
- The opportunities for new projects that were presented yesterday.
- I did think of two more but they're more personal. 

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