Pastor Austin Prince


Austin, Chelsea, Delia, Simon

The Session

Covenant of Grace is led by Biblical qualified elders, ordained through a process of agreement of God's calling, doctrinal examination by other elders or pastors, the taking of vows, and prayer. As we are currently a non-denominational church, our leaders are examined by ruling elders in the PCA and ARP denominations. The pastor, along with the elders of the church, are referred to collectively as the Session.


Craig Hoffer


Paul Mulner

Steven Hoffer Family 2

Steven Hoffer

What do they do?

They lead in worship, they meet with members and visitors to provide advice and instruction, they pray, they make calls, send texts and emails meant to encourage. By the grace of God, and as they are called to do by 1 Peter 5:1-3, these men shepherd our flock and live as examples for us.

Each elder oversees specific areas of the ministry at Covenant of Grace. This provides a single point of contact for questions or ideas related to those areas.

Austin: Worship, Shepherding, Youth Events
Craig: Men's and Women's Ministries, Church Facility & Supplies
Paul: Moderator of Session, Facility, Personnel & Volunteers
Steven: Clerk of Session, Education, Service Events

What about the rest of the work?

Our members volunteer for various responsibilities in the life of the church, managed by our volunteer coordinator. We use a fantastic childcare service which provides fully-screened (criminal and drug checks) nursery and childcare workers. Our elders teach our children's Sunday school classes.