Posts Tagged with "Lust"

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A Brute's Strength


A man in the grip of lust cannot see that he is pouring gasoline on his house, his family, and his very life–his only perspective is to play with the match in the red dress....

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But Amnon Had A Friend


“Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”” (1 Corinthians 15:33, ESV) ...

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Past Reason Hated


This is the moment of clarity in the madness. The moment when Satan switches from bedazzling trickster to accurate taunter. ...

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As all who find once they bite, lust is hollow, poisonous, and fatal–a chocolate covered razor blade...

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Curved In Upon Yourself


It was Augustine who coined the phrase “homo incurvatus in se”, man curved in upon himself. This is what sin does, it idolizes the self, sacrificing, manipulating, killing, fighting, charming, ultimately willing to do anything necessary to the barriers that keep it from personal fulfillment (James 4)....

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