Verse 9 - Two Words Your Never Want to Hear

It's good to think more deeply about the mercies of God in times of crisis. To help guide us in this effort, we'll consider Paul David Tripp's collection of meditations from Psalm 27 called "A Shelter in the Time of Storm." You can get your own copy on Amazon here.

Turn not your servant away in anger.

Psalm 27:9

This meditation is another poem.

It is such a comfort
to me,
such a source
of hope
and strength
and daily joy.

It gives me reason
to get up in the morning
and to press on
when I am discouraged
and weak
and lonely
and afraid.

It gives me reason
to face with courage
the struggles within
and the difficulties without.

It reminds me
that I can stand
before You
as I am,
completely unafraid
and ask of You
what I have asked before
and will ask again:
Your forgiveness
and Your help.

What gives me this

What offers me this

It is one thing.

I know for certain
that there are
two words 
that I'll never hear.

I know that You will never
look me in the eye
and say to me,
"Go away!"

You will not send me
from Your presence.
You will not drive me
from Your grace.
You will not separate me
from Your glory.
You will not eliminate me
from Your promises.

You will never
send me away.

Because Your anger
was borne by Another.
Because my separation
was carried by Him.
Because He was
sent away, I will never
I will never be.

So, in weakness,
and sin,
I stand before You once more
with courage,
and joy,
because I know
that in all the
dark things that
may be whispered to me
in this dark and fallen world
there are two words I will never hear.

And so with gratitude and joy
I get up to face the day
but as I do, I do it
without fear.

Questions to Consider

The questions are Tripp's. I included my answers in case they're helpful to read.

1. Do you live with the fear that you will do or say something that would cause God to say to you, "Go away"?

- Satan will sometimes come and whisper to me that I'm a phony. He wants me to agree that I'm just playing pretend with my faith and putting on a show for others. If there are any moments when I believe him, that's when the fear creeps in that God - who sees all things - may see that I am phony even if I don't.

2. Name some ways that the fear of God's anger and rejection shapes the way that you respond to him, to others, and to circumstances. 

- There are times when I don't pray simply because I've recently sinned and think God has every right to roll his eyes, "Sure, you need me now."

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