Verse 14 - Take Heart

It's good to think more deeply about the mercies of God in times of crisis. To help guide us in this effort, we'll consider Paul David Tripp's collection of meditations from Psalm 27 called "A Shelter in the Time of Storm." You can get your own copy on Amazon here.

Be strong, and let your heart take
wait for the Lord!

Psalm 27:14

"Take heart" is a common, at least implicit, refrain when trying to comfort or be comforted. It's the understood preface of "this too shall pass," or "at least you still have your health!" The suggestion is that you shouldn't feel as bad as you do because...

...but what is that "because?" It's pretty important, and "...things could be worse," or anything starting with "at least..." aren't actually very comforting. 

David implores us to take heart and wait on the Lord. The because is implicit here - we are waiting on him because "he is coming!" We can take heart because, though we wait now, he will act! Tripp gives us five reasons why it's reasonable to "take heart" in the coming (and coming actions) of our God.

  1. He is love. "God is the essence, the source, the ultimate definition of love, and love that is true love has God as its source." 
  2. He is the source of all wisdom. "...wisdom isn't an outline...or a book...wisdom is a person and his name is Jesus."
  3. He is a God of awesome power. "When you rest in him, you can take heart because he really does have the power to deliver everything he has promised you."
  4. This is a God of unchallengeable rule. "What he wills happens. His plan will be done."
  5. He's a God of glorious grace. "I'm no longer restricted to the limits of my own strength and wisdom. By his grace, I have a new identity and a new potential."

Lots of the platitudes people give us during tough times aren't work the paper they're printed on. Yet, when we "take heart" because God is coming, there are real reasons why doing so should encourage and strengthen us. 


Questions to Consider

The questions are Tripp's. I included my answers in case they're helpful to read.

1. What situations and relationships are you facing right now that are tempting you to lose heart.

- Ha ha ha ha ha ha: duh. The impact of COVID19 on the life of our church, on my business, and on the work of people I love. 

2. As you consider the listed reasons to take heart, which are you most tempted to forget?

- Probably God's love. I remember his sovereignty and power often (and his grace!) but it's easy for me to forget that all of these attributes are exercised in love - first for himself, and secondarily for his people. 

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