Verse 1 - The World's Best Security System

It's good to think more deeply about the mercies of God in times of crisis. To help guide us in this effort, we'll consider Paul David Tripp's collection of meditations from Psalm 27 called "A Shelter in the Time of Storm." You can get your own copy on Amazon here.

The Lord is my light
and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?

Psalm 27:1

We look for security in all kinds of places where it simply should not be found. Tripp lists several common ones: investments, relationships, yourself, and even the church.

It's easy to pick on those who find investments in their financial stability - we can all see how fleeting wealth can be. While these resources are a gift from God and often given to us for our benefit and enjoyment, putting our trust in them is a huge mistake.

I've known many people, thinking they're doing a good thing, who put their trust in relationships. They may even be self-righteous about this, framing it as love for people which is obviously greater than love for things. What they don't see is the emotional roller-coaster they're setting themselves up for. We are all sinners and no (real) relationships are always and only peaceful. Sin enters in and makes things more difficult. If our security is in the stability of our relationships we're going to spend a lot of time feeling hurt and insecure.

Finding security in our own abilities and sense of control is also an approach destined for failure. God may have granted us success in the past but that was intended to be to his glory and not our own. If we presume that our skills, abilities, and intellect can persevere us through any trial we're in for a rude awakening when God sends the waves that will crash over our heads.

When Tripp uses the example of the church ("the body of Christ,") it's a helpful reminder that we can turn absolutely anything that God gives for our good into an unhelpful idol. Churches, filled with people, will go through difficult times and periods of trouble and instability as well. We cannot ultimately find our security in the security of anything on earth, even something as good and important as the church.

"The very first verse of Psalm 27 introduces us to the world's best security system. It isn't to be found horizontally as you scan all the potential places where security can be found. Deep and lasting security, resilient hope, and sturdy rest of heart and mind can only be found vertically."

"You are not secure because you have control or understanding. You are secure even though you are weak, imperfect, and shortsighted. You are secure for one reason and one reason alone: God exists and he is your Father."

Questions to Consider

The questions are Tripp's. I included my answers in case they're helpful to read.

1. Where do you tend to look for security? What gives you your inner sense of well-being?

- Security for me comes from an inner journal that has recorded God's track record in my life. Sure, there have been hard times, but there's never been a time when God abandoned me or even for long left me in the state I deserved.

2. What are the things that you need to say to yourself when life seems unpredictable and/or dangerous?

- What's wise here? What principle applies? Is this something I'm trying to control beyond my ability? 

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