Verse 4 - One Beauty

It's good to think more deeply about the mercies of God in times of crisis. To help guide us in this effort, we'll consider Paul David Tripp's collection of meditations from Psalm 27 called "A Shelter in the Time of Storm." You can get your own copy on Amazon here.

One thing have I asked of the Lord...
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD...
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD.

Psalm 27:4

Tripp continues yesterday's exploration of beauty through another poem. This time, he wants us to think about the Lord's beauty, not merely as a source of all beauty, but as a thing (and end) in and of itself. Even with the poem and discussion questions yesterday on this subject, I suspect you (like me) thought more about your wrong approaches to beauty in this world than you did specifically about the beauty of God. 

While it's good for us to think about the application of what we're learning in this study, it's also important sometimes just to meditate (daydream?) about God himself. I appreciated how this poem can help with that. 

One thing,
One thing,
One thing!
It's hard to imagine
One thing
When I seem to be attracted
to so many things.
It is a continuing
It is a daily
It is my constant
The world of the physical
attracts me
excites me
magnetizes me
addicts me.
I confuse consumption
with satisfaction.
I confuse satisfied senses
with true joy.
I confuse a stomach that is full
with a heart at rest.
Sometimes I would rather have
my appetites satisfied
than a grace filled heart.
Sometimes I would rather hold
the physical
than have the eyes of my heart
be filled
with the beauty of
the spiritual.
I am tired of only seeing
my physical eyes
can see.
I want eyes
to see
cannot be seen.
I am tired of craving
Somewhere in my heart
I know that only you
Deep in my heart
I want you to be
I must quit
I need to
I need to
be quiet.
I need to sit
in the seat of grace
and wait
and wait
until these blind eyes
until this cold heart
the one beauty that
the one beauty that
is You.

Questions to Consider

The questions are Tripp's. I included my answers in case they're helpful to read.

1. What things in this physical, created world, tend to attract, distract, and capture you and, because of that, set the agenda for how you live?

-  All of them. Seriously. I have a deep appreciation for the good gifts of God (which is good!) but it means I have to be quite careful not to allow that to turn those things into agenda-setting idols.

2. Where do you tend to confuse the satisfaction of consumption with a heart that is spiritually filled.

- Now you're just meddling. 

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