Verse 16 - Mercy Prayer

It's good to think more deeply about the mercies of God in times of crisis. To help guide us in this effort, we'll consider Paul David Tripp's collection of meditations from Psalm 27 called "A Shelter in the Time of Storm." You can get your own copy on Amazon here.

Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud;
be gracious to me and answer me!

Psalm 27:7


Tripp's poem for this meditation is called "Mercy Prayer." When you come before the Lord in prayer, what is your plea?

I have no resume
to hold before You,
no track record of accomplishments,
no letters of commendation,
no rights of birth or ethnicity.

I hold nothing
that would place You in my debt,
that could curry Your favor,
that would obligate You.

I wish unbridled zeal
would commend me to You.

I wish unbroken obedience
would draw Your attention.

I wish model wisdom and model love
would convince You that I'm worthy.

But I have none of these things
to offer You.

I stand before You with shoulders bent
and hands that are empty.

I approach You with no
argument in my mind
or words to offer in my defense.

I stand before You
naked and undeserving,
broken and weak.

I am quite aware of the
duplicity of my heart,
the evil of my choices,
and the failure of my behavior,
but I am not afraid
because I stand before You
with one argument,
with one plea.

This argument is enough.
This plea is sufficient.
This argument is the only thing
that could ever give me
and sturdy hope.

So I come before You
with this plea:
Your mercy.

Your mercy is my rest.
Your mercy is my hope.
Your mercy makes me bold.
Your mercy is all I need.

Your mercy
tells me You will hear.
Your mercy
tells me You will act.
Your mercy
tells me You will forgive.
Your mercy
tells me You will strengthen.

Your mercy is my
and rescue.

I rest in this one thing:
You are mercy
You will answer.

Questions to Consider

The questions are Tripp's. I included my answers in case they're helpful to read.

1. Are you resting in God's mercy or still working to perform your way into his acceptance?

- It depends on the moment.  

2. Where in your life do self-reliance and self-righteousness keep you from humbly seeking the mercy of the Lord?

- Those are my default, so I start with them. They fail, so I am forced to abandon them and seek God's mercy. In my best moments, I do that quickly. At other times... 

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