Why share THE Faith? (Part 1)

February 7, 2021 Speaker: Paul Mulner Series: Share THE Faith

Topic: Evangelism Passage: John 14:8–14:11, Romans 9:14–9:18, 2 Corinthians 10:3–10:6, Acts 17:22–17:25, 1 Peter 3:15–3:16

Three goals for this class:

1. Show the Biblical calling to engage ("We need to...")

2. Equip with the Biblical information ("We're prepared to...")

3. Convince you that you can do it ("We're able to...")


Three uses for what we'll learn:

1. Proof - the positive case for Christianity

2. Defense - answering objections about Christianity

3. Offense - attacking non-Christian thought


The Biblical Case for "Faith Conversations" (Part 1)

1 Peter 3:15-16